Wedding is the most important even in one’s life and the memories of this special day are cherished not only by the bride and the groom but all other family members as well. As everything is special, the guest and their gifts have a special significance too. The personal note added with the gifts in the form of cards leave an indelible mark on the couples.
In the hustle and bustle, the guest does not get much time to convey their heartfelt wishes to the couple as the couple is busy welcoming the guests as well as due to other rituals during the marriage ceremony. These wedding card messages carrying blessings and wishes are indeed special and are some of the best possessions for the bride and the groom for life. The couple can feel the warmth and love even after many years of their wedding. These notes make the gifts special too as these carry the heartfelt feelings of the guests as well.
There are varieties of cards available for the special occasion and it is easy to choose from the wide range available. The cards can be of traditional style or can just have borders or images such as rings, heart, flowers or other such artifacts. The design of cards makes it appealing for sure but the thing that matters more is the content or the message written on the card as this will be the one that will be different. It will be different in the sense that where the entire card will be pre printed, the messages are generally hand written and thus bear a personal touch. The message that these cards contain should also be proper and just.
People have lot of options and can even choose ready messages from the internet. But these messages may not necessarily be able to convey what one exactly feels so it is worth to pen down your own feelings. One can begin by writing congratulatory message and a wish that couple has an endless happy life. Adding a poem is a great idea, but you should remember that if you are not the original author then put the poem in inverted commas it will convey that you have borrowed the poetry. There can be quotation about this blissful life. If you have certain special memories with the couple, you can even add them but they should not be sarcastic. These kind of special messages will make the couple feels special and happy.