Every wedding host expects their guests to respond to their RSVPs in the manner intended. A good wedding invitation RSVP wording comes with a few common elements. The most common of which are simple and clear words.
To better understand this, let us see some good RSVP wording examples,
• Kindly Respond by
The Eighteenth of November __
_ Accepts with Pleasure
_ Declines with Regrets
• The Favor of your response is requested by
The Sixth of January________
_ Joyfully Accepts
_ Regretfully Declines
Kindly confirm the meal choice for each guest
_ Dish one
_ Dish two
_ Dish three
• Wedding RSVP Card over Phone Or Email __
_ Will Attend
_ Unable to Attend
Kindly respond by Eleventh of February
@ email id _____

What Should Be Done When You Do Not Receive A Response on Your RSVP Card
It happens more than often that you will not receive any response from your intended guests on the RSVPs you sent out to them. In such a situation, as a host, it is best to wait for an additional week after the set due date. If you still do not receive any message, proceed with making a call to the guest(s) for a verbal answer.
Many a times, the host mistakes a guest’s inability to respond as a sign of disinterest in their celebrations, which is not true. Most likely, the addressee forgot to respond or your cards either got lost in their mailbox or worst-case scenario, did not even make it to their address.
A friendly call to confirm whether they would be attending the big event is the ideal thing to do.

The Right Way to Fill Out A Wedding RSVP Card
It is absolutely all right if you are a guest and have no clue on how to fill out the RSVP card that just arrived in your mail.
Here is a list of To-do’s to help you get acquainted with the etiquette of proper RSVP wording in response:
• It is proper to always include full names. If you’re attending, pen down the titles as well as the full names of all the guests next to the “M” on the response card.
• If someone else will accompany you, it is important to include their name as well. This will help your host get a clear idea of the final guest numbers, and also to make a personal name card.
• If you are unable to attend, simply skip this part. You can also use the space to write a congratulatory message to the new couple.
• Your handwriting should be readable. Since your host will be using the information you give to create personal name cards, always write in an easily understandable style to avoid any embarrassment for all involved.
• It is not good manners to personally invite others to the host’s wedding without their knowledge. Unless the RSVP invitation wording implicitly asks for the names of extra guests, it is wise to stick to attend the wedding with person(s) whose name is mentioned on the envelope.
• When filling out entree choices, a good practice is to mention initials of the respective guest next to the desired option. Major choices in food and allergies must be included as well.
• An RSVP card must be sent back as soon as it can be. This assures the host of your interest in their big ceremony and is also a sign of respect towards them.

The significance of “M” in Wedding RSVP Cards:
The “M” signifies the first letter to Ms., Mr., or Mrs.
After the title, you can proceed with the full name.
How Can You RSVP By Email?
Including the host’s email address for you to send your response on is fast becoming a trend. In such a case, you can definitely use it instead of a response card.
A good response to invitation RSVP wording by Email is short and formal.
The format given below is safe and tested:
The email must include Title:
“(Last Name) Wedding RSVP: (Number of People attending) Will/Will Not Be Attending.”
The information in title should be reconfirmed in the body as well.
Also include:
You and accompanying person’s titles and full names
The conformation or decline
Menu preference (only if asked for)
Thank You note for the Invitation
RSVPs speak volumes about you as a host and a guest. Always ensure you fall in the expected spectrum at either ends.