Wedding cards need to be properly drafted and sent in time so that they serve their purpose well. If it reaches late it is of no use and it leaves the receiver as well as the host in vain. In order to better manage the guests, RSVP cards are of great use. RSVP cards may be additionally added and separate reception information cards may also be sent to effectively accomplishing their job. But the most crucial is the content of the card. Being the most significant aspect, the content of the card should be correct and pleasing. It is with this that the guests are impressed and excited about attending the ceremony.
Ideally, a Wedding Invitation shall start with hosts’ names. If it is an Indian card, it should be followed by the name of the grandparents of the bride and the bridegroom. Traditionally, the hosts are always the parents of the bride and groom and their names shall appear in some decorative font in the card. However, it may differ in some cases. Whatsoever be the case, a proper listing is required wherein the names of hosts appear in a standard format such as “Mrs. and Mr. Gates”. On an Indian invitation, some hosts prefer to have the name of their village or their native place mentioned.
If the situation is a bit complicated and couple is hosting the wedding or someone other than parents is, writing “together with family” can smoothen it. In other cases, the names of the other relatives who act as hosts can also be mentioned. Generally, in India, it is the father or the grandparents name that is mentioned as the host.
There is and always be a very special significance of adding an appropriate request line in the invitation. This depends on the location of the marriage and scale of formality desired by the hosts of the wedding. Guests may be addressed in a pleasing manner, for instance, it may be written informally that, “would wish to have the pleasure of your company” or simply join us in the celebration close to our heart.” In a formal way, write “would be delighted by your presence at this auspicious occasion” or “request the honor of your presence.”
In a new line, names of the couple should appear. No titles shall be used for their names but their names should appear in larger fonts for greater emphasis. Generally, different font is used for the name of bride and the bridegroom and this helps the receiver to clearly distinguish the name of the couple.
Enter date, time and location in subsequent lines, spell all numbers and list the building name, street address and mention town and state. These carry a larger importance and a slight mistake in these can create havoc and leave the guests haywire. Thus it is important to cross check the exact address and other details on the card before sending it for a final print. Finally, proofread the invitation for checking any wrong spellings and assemble it.