Wedding Invitation Cards
Wedding Invitation Cards

Thinking of saving money on your wedding, well there are coupes of ways. You just need to work a little smart and you will have the feel of lavish wedding at reasonable rates. You can save a great deal of money on your wedding cards by just following few simple ways:

Conduct proper research:
Go steady on your planning, conduct a proper research of various dealers and compare the rates and quality provided by each of them. Then choose wisely any one of them who is ready to provide discounts if you are placing a bulk order. These days, online dealers are leaving no stones to grab more customers by providing them mouth-watering deals.

Be wise on choosing the right stationary and printing:
You can avoid using multiple inks on your card. Restrict your card color to one or two. Opt for laser or thermography printing techniques rather then engraving.

Try and use a single envelope:
Many people use two envelopes like a wedding card inside one envelope and that envelope inside the other just for protection. But these days the services are so good that they guarantee the protection of goods, so one envelope is absolutely fine.

Send invitations through E-mail:
Many couples are opting to send the wedding cards through e-mail. This method will free you from any kind of delivery charge and above that you will save a great deal on stationary and printing. Apart from all this, it is environment friendly also.

Go for a standard size card:
Do not opt for giant size invitation cards. The size of a card may influence your cost to a great extent. You can also get rid of extra charges like keeping your card single layered then going for a multi layered card, avoid use of add ons like stylish ribbons or other materials. Also don’t go fancy on envelopes as they are generally not noticed. Rather keep your cards elegant and simple looking.

Finish of your selection and printing of cards many days before your wedding:
This will help you to avoid unproductive expenses of speed post or expensive courier services. Opt for a normal post service as there will be no worry of quick delivery as you will be very much ahead of time.

All in one:
Do not go for separate cards for different functions. Try and manage to include all the details in one card. So that there are no hassles and extra expenses of separate card for every event like marriage, reception, cocktail party etc. it will be all the more easier if all the wedding events are going to be held at the same venue.

Avoid errors of wrong or skipped details:
Once your card is fully printed and then any error comes to your knowledge, it will cost extra for corrections. Instead read every minute details before you give for final printing.

Back up:
Always place a little more order then required, in case of emergencies. Do stick to these budget conscious tips.


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