Save- the- Date Card is a piece of information, usually a single card shared with friends and family whom you wish to invite for your event much prior to sending the main invitation card. This Pre-invitation card gives the guests an idea about the upcoming big day and they can plan their schedule to keep that or those particular day or days free. It also gives information of the venue. If it is destination wedding, save-the-date cards are sent 9-12 months before an event; 2 to 4 months is good enough.

Save-The-Date Cards

Why Is It Important To Send Save-The-Date Card?

It is definitely the demand of this fast-paced world which has made this pre-invitation card a very essential part of any event planning. It is in a way giving your guests enough time to get their bookings and tickets done. If it is a destination wedding, it is all the more necessary that the guests know of this occasion so that they can reach the venue without any hassle or confusion. Besides these practical reasons, sending a save-the-date card is trendy and displays your immaculate planning. This is sometimes even instrumental in making those guests give their consent to coming who have always been the lazy lot in attending any event.

Designer Save-The-Date Cards

Some Trendy Save-The-Date Ideas:

For sending Save-The-Date Card, it is not at all mandatory to follow some conventional style. One can add one’s creativity and ingenuity in creating something that gives a personal touch to your card. It can be funny, quirky, sober or traditional but it must in some manner reflect on the sender’s personality. To begin with:

1# Save-the-date photo card: Such cards can include a romantic picture of the couple getting married or some other classic picture inspired from some famous love story of a movie. To make it funny, it can include the childhood pictures of the bride and groom. Make it as conventional or as offset, the choice is yours.

2# Something to remember forever: Why not instead of a card, this pre-invitation be in the form of a refrigerator magnet with a picture, a key chain, a small picture frame, a bottle opener or a coaster? Let your imagination take charge of something that becomes a beautiful memory forever.

Save-The-Date Wedding Card

3# Creative idea: Take a video clipping or a voice message and send it digitally to your guests. Use animation or a carton strip to make it interesting.

4# Save on money and time: Want to save money? E-mail these cards and you surely can utilise this money and time for other tasks. Bring the twist in the tale with something interesting like a famous quote or the brilliant use of colour scheme to make them special.

5# Theme weddings: When a specific theme has been decided for the wedding, it does not take too much effort to get your save-the-date card designed on the same theme. Rather it adds to the fun factor. Be it a beach theme or a cruise one, add spark to them.

For more such ideas, visit Indian Wedding Card.


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